Mine would be Ulysses by James Joyce. Sure it's a bit prententious, but it is also a wonderful read if you concentrate on the style and how it is put together. It is a very clever piece of writing - even if Joyce does know it!

Any of the Saint Germain books by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro (yes, I'm mentioning them yet again) and they'd be wonderful lavish period dramas with the magic of the paranormal element thrown in. A perfect mix! At to casting, I find that a tough one as the lead man (Saint Germain) has to be handsome, charismatic, mysterious and possess an inner strength. I would go with Ralph Fiennes. Sure. he's not exactly the right height and build for the character, but I think he could get around that with his amazing presence on the screen.
I haven't read that series (yet!), but I love Ralph Fiennes; he's a fantastic actor.
ReplyDeleteHopping through. Thanks for reminding me about Yarbro's books. I looked them up after you mentioned that last week. I was surprised there were so many. And some were published in the 1970s! Which should I start with?
ReplyDeleteMy Hop
I've never heard of teh Saint Germain books, must go and look them up on Goodreads now!
ReplyDeleteAlthough i can already say with confidence that Ralph Fiennes is a good choice, he's a great actor :)
Have an awesome weekend, and please stop by if you can, i love meeting new people!
Haven't seen these books but I am sure going to check them out! Dropping by via the hop. Here's my answers to this weeks questions. Have a great weekend! New Follower.
ReplyDeleteI've actually never heard of those. Jess may have, though. I'll have to check them out.
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by my blog. I haven't heard of these, but they look interesting. Have a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteHey. :) Hopping through. Thanks for the visit and comment.
ReplyDeleteI haven't heard of the Saint Germain books, but I will have to look into them. I'm constantly adding to my never-ending pile of TBR and recommendations anyway. :P
Ralph Fiennes is a wonderful actor, too.
I'm following you back. You have a lovely blog here. :)
Hope you're have a great weekend!
Hopping through, new follower :)
ReplyDeleteHi! 'Old' follower here!
ReplyDeleteI've heard the name Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, but am not familiar with this series. It sure sounds interesting! I'll check it out. Any books that would bring up Ralp Fiennes have GOT to be terrific!!
Here's my FF post:
P.S. Sorry for the typo...It's "Ralph", of course! : )