Friday, 2 December 2011

Follow Friday # 29

What is your biggest pet peeve when it comes to books? Maybe you don't like love triangles or thin plots? Tell us about it! 

1) 2D Villains - I want to know why they are evil and need to be defeated, not just be told they do and be expected to accept it.

2) Whiny and Dense Heroes/Heroines - I can't get behind them if all they do is complain and repeatedly ask for clarification on things they've already been told.

3) POV Issues - If POV jumps and it is done clearly and neatly then I have no problem with it. But I hate constant POV jumps that leave you unable to work out whose head you're in.

4) Major Text Issues - The odd typo I can forgive. I do some editing work myself and know that no one can be expected to spot everything, some little thing will always be missed. But I find it hard to read a book when every page contains errors.

This week, I am featured in Book Lovers Inc's Advent Calendar Giveaway. Check it out to win a copy of my latest e-book release - Day-Walker!


  1. Oh, man. I love #1 and #3! I can't believe I didn't think of them. It really bugs me too when the author isn't consistent with the POV. Like Kimberly Derting's The Pledge, which I'm reading now, is jumping from one POV to another to the extent that I just don't know who I'm reading about! But great job; I loved all your answers.

    New follower, by the way. (:

    Laura @ A Work of Fiction

  2. Hi Nicki im following you back! Thanks for the follow. I also have some issues with POV And your right about that.


  3. I have to agree with you with the POV thing. It can get confusing.

    New follower here!

    Happy Friday!
    Here's my Follow Friday Post. Click, click, click!
    Gratitude Giveaway: Winner's Choice of Book from Book Depository at The Fairytale Nerd.
    Cerebrate: Let me know what you think about Love Triangles in Books.

  4. The POV one is a peeve for me. Seems to happen in romance A LOT. Fab answers :)

  5. Hopping through. POV issues really get me. You actually see it several times in the first Harry Potter book. It's funny that that book is far messier than her later ones.
    My Hop

  6. Hi! Happy follow Friday. I'm a new follower.

  7. Whiny heroines = bleh :/

    Great post! Happy Follow Friday :)

  8. Weird POV jumps really get to me as well. I'm not the most observant person, so I can be completely confused for paragraphs before working out what's happened!

    New follower :)

    My Follow Friday

  9. Spot on! Especially whiny heroines. Happy weekend!

    Old follower

  10. Good point about 2d Villains. I love your background. New follower :)

  11. POV issues is very true. Sometimes, it can be confusing for me when I read a book that changes the POV a lot of times!

    A new follower!

    Please check out my FF here:

    And my 50 followers giveaway!

  12. I agree with all of yours too! Maybe I am more picky than I originally thought. Typos are probably my biggest pet peeve, but like you said, I can forgive the occasional few.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm following you too!

  13. I hate the whole POV thing. Especially when it is not clear who is narrating if the POV switches.

    Happy friday, new follower!

    My Follow Friday

    Emma @ Lost in a YA book

  14. Good answer, have a happy Friday!

  15. Too many POVs definitely makes for a confusing read. I can deal with a few but when I need an Excel spreadsheet to keep track of what's what; that's just too much!

    I'm an old follower. :)

    Holiday Foreplay Giveaway

  16. POV, a good one. I always think either the author really didnt have one for the story or the author really isn't a good writer. all good storytellers don't make for great authors/writers.

  17. hi! I'm a new follower and I agree with you! You can see mine at
