Author: George R. R. Martin
Publisher: Voyager
Publication Date: 2011 (2000)
Pages: 578
Format: Paperback
Genre: Fantasy
Source: Borrowed from Hubby
The Starks are scattered.
Robb Stark may be King in the North, but he must bend to the will of the old tyrant Walder Frey if he is to hold his crown. And while his youngest sister, Arya, has escaped the clutches of the depraved Cersei Lannister and her son, the capricious boy-king Joffrey, Sansa Stark remains their captive.
Meanwhile, across the ocean, Daenerys Stormborn, the last heir of the Dragon King, delivers death to the slave-trading cities of Astapor and Yunkai as she approaches Westeros with vengeance in her heart. (Goodreads Synopsis)
And this series just keeps getting better and better. The story really got intense in this instalment with several character deaths and some major upheaval. It's sad to see some characters go, but I am now barely able to restrain my excitement about book four. A lot changed over book three and I am interested to see what direction Martin will take the plot in next.
Again, a shorter review to avoid spoilers, but just know that I LOVE this series.
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