Friday, 20 April 2012

Working & Writing: An Update

Well, one and all, after more than four months searching, I finally found a new job. Monday is my first day and I am looking forward to it, even though I think it will take me a few weeks to fully adjust to the routine of a full-time job again!

The job is with an education provider, but they have a research/publishing section and that is where I'll be doing admin work and helping out as they seek to expand their publications.

What does that mean for the blog?

Hopefully nothing. I will still be reading and reviewing, fitting in some writing on my current WIP when I can, but it may be I have less time to read other blogs and it might take me a day or two longer to get a review post up than it did before - at least until I get back into the routine of things and settle into the job.

So, please bear with me if I am a little quieter than usual for a few weeks. I will still be here and I still aim to be as active as possible in the blogsphere.

Keep your eyes posted the week after next in particular as I will be holding a giveaway with a couple of different prizes on offer! ;)