Title: The Time Traveller's Wife
Author: Audrey Niffenegger
Publisher: Vintage
Publication Date: 2005 (2004)
Pages: 519
Format: Paperback
Genre: Literary Fiction
Source: Bought Copy

When Henry meets Clare, he is twenty-eight and she is twenty. Henry has never met Clare before; Clare has known Henry since she was six. Impossible but true, because Henry finds himself periodically displaced in time, pulled to moments of emotional gravity from his life, past and future. Henry and Clare's attempts to live normal lives are threatened by a force they can neither prevent nor control, making their passionate love story intensely moving and entirely unforgettable. (Goodreads Synopsis)
I came to this book having already seen the film and I am pleased to say I enjoyed both equally. I wondered if I would be bored by the book, since I already knew what was going to happen, but happily that wasn't the case.
I really loved the style choices Niffenegger made in this book, swapping viewpoints between Henry and Clare and frequently jumping in time between paragraphs. I felt this really added to the sense of displaced time and the disjointedness of Henry and Clare's relationship.
The story idea itself is fascinating and I like Niffenegger's refreshing take on time travel as a genetic disorder. She has worked out her premise well and at no point did I question whether something could have really happened that way; her theory of time travel is pretty air tight.
This is a book for those who like a crossover between literary fiction and paranormal/fantasy. An enchanting read.
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