Author: Catherine Coulter
Publisher: Penguin Australia
Publication Date: 2 January 2013
Pages: 416
Format: E-Book - PDF
Genre: Thriller
Source: ARC via NetGalleyGenre: Thriller

San Francisco Judge Ramsey Hunt, longtime friend to FBI agents Lacey Sherlock and Dillon Savich, is presiding over the trial of Clive and Cindy Cahill - accused in a string of murders - when the proceedings take a radical turn. Federal prosecutor Mickey O'Rourke, known for his relentless style, becomes suddenly tentative in his opening statement, leading Hunt to suspect he's been threatened - suspicions that are all but confirmed when Hunt is shot in the back. Savich and Sherlock receive news of the attack as an ominous note is sent to Savich at the Hoover Building: You deserve this for what you did. Security tapes fail to reveal who delivered the note. Who is behind the shooting of Judge Ramsey Hunt? Who sent the note to Savich? And what does it all mean? Savich and Sherlock race to San Francisco to find out. . . watching their backs all the while. (Goodreads Synopsis)
For the most part that didn't matter. There were some references to the past (events that I assume appeared in previous novels) but that didn't cause any problems with following the story; although, perhaps it would have added more depth to the recurring characters.
Overall, the characters came across okay, but none of the jumped out of the page and grabbed me and, because of that, I never felt truly invested in the story. I read to the end and found it fairly entertaining, but I always felt a little detached and I wasn't amazed by the piece as I reached the final page.
That said, I am sure that for fans of the series, this is a good new instalment and so I would recommend it to long-time readers and those who really love the genre.
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