Publisher: Bantam Press
Publication Date: November 2010
Pages: 299
Format: E-Book - EPUB
Genre: Paranormal
Source: ARC via NetGalley

Jeweller Garet James isn't the same as everyone else.
She just doesn't know it yet.
With her fair share of problems - money (lack of), an elderly father, a struggling business - Garet should be just like any other young, feisty, single New Yorker. If only it was that simple...
It begins with the old silver box that had been soldered shut. All Garet has to do is open it. A favour for the frail owner of the antiques shop. Who wouldn't help?
Only it's then that things start to change. Garet doesn't notice at first, the shifts barely perceptible. But the city in which she grew up is beginning to reveal a long-hidden side - darker, and altogether more dangerous: parallel world of chaos, smoke and blood.
And now it's out of the box...and it has no intention of going back in. (Goodreads Synopsis)
Black Swan Rising caught my attention right from the start. I love Garet and the fact she is not a typical UF/PNR heroine. She's not sassy and street-smart; rather she comes across as completely normal; as if she could be you or me. And that definitely adds to the reality of the book and helped me relate to her.
John Dee made a fascinating enemy; although, I would have liked to have known more about his character and I hope that will be explored in books two and three. Naturally, we have an intriguing and attractive love interest in Will Hughes.
The pace slowed a little in places, but on the whole it was well maintained and the prose was highly readable and enjoyable. I enjoyed the mix of mythologies and ideas in the story and I finished the book with a smile on my face. I am certainly going to check out books two and three in the future and would definitely recommend this first book to PNR/UF fans who like to mix up their genres.
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