Monday, 17 March 2014

Book Review: Zombies Don't Surrender by Rusty Fischer

Title: Zombies Don't Surrender (Living Dead Love Story # 3)
Author: Rusty Fischer
Publisher: Medallion Press
Publication Date: April 2013
Pages: 352
Format: E-Book - PDF
Genre: Paranormal
Source: Review Copy from Publisher
Buy This Book from Book Depository, Free Delivery World Wide

As the final volume in the Living Dead Love Stories opens, Maddy, Dane, and Stamp are still together, though barely, nestled safely inside the walls of Sentinel City, a stronghold designed to keep Zerkers out—and zombies in.

Maddy trains night and day, hoping to join Vera as a Keeper. Dane has been given Sentinel Support in the form a busty blonde named Courtney. And what of Stamp? Although Maddy’s dad has worked hard to rehabilitate him after his Zerker bite, he’s still not all . . . there.

When Dr. Swift inadvertently allows the zombies’ archenemy, Val, to escape from Sentinel City, Maddy’s world turns upside down. She and Stamp are Vanished—expelled from the safety of Sentinel City, no better than common Zerkers. Dane, a Sentinel now, escapes punishment and is assigned to ensure that his old friends never return.

As Maddy and Stamp stray from the safety of Sentinel City, danger mounts . . . and not just for them. Val has taken up residence in a seaside town and enrolled in another Normal high school. To outwit her and save Seagull Shores from all-out zombie Armageddon, Maddy must face her archenemy once again.

Only this time, she’s all alone . . .
(Goodreads Synopsis)

This was a fitting end to a wonderfully entertaining trilogy. I loved every minute of the action-packed story. Once again, Rusty Fischer delivers fun, mayhem and great characters. Every one of his books I've read has been well worth the time and this series is a must whether you are normally a zombie fan or not.

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