Friday, 25 July 2014

Follow Friday # 66

What is your favorite tv series that you can watch over and over again on Netflix? 

Well, I don't have Netflix per se, but there are TV series I love and would watch episodes more than once. They include:

Alias      Being Human (UK)      Buffy the Vampire Slayer      Da Vinci's Demons      Doctor Who      Fargo      Game of Thrones      Hannibal      Once Upon a Time      Originals      Red Dwarf      Rejseholdet      Sherlock      Stargate Universe      Supernatural      True Blood      Vampire Diaries      Vikings      Yes, Minister/Yes, Prime Minister


  1. I'm a new follower, and this is my first hop. And, Supernatural. DUH! Is there really another answer to this week's question?

    My #FF

  2. Hopping through. What is Rejseholdet? When I was in Australia, I was at the ABC store and they were selling the DVD for Borgen, a Danish show that isn't available in the US. I should have bought it and bought a multi-region DVD player. Guess I'll have to access it in less "official" ways.
    My FF

  3. I also love Supernatural, Sherlock and the Vampire Diaries!

    New Facebook and GFC follower. Here's my FF

  4. I started watching Being Human, Game of Thrones, Hannibal but left off after the first season. Will start on them soon though. :)

    New GFC follower

    Here is My FF

    -Nikita @Njkinny's World of Books & Stuff

  5. Nice choices, we have very similar tastes in TV shows!

    Thea @ Gizzimomo's Book Shelf

  6. We don’t have Netflix in Germany too. But we have something similar :)

    I love The Big Bang Theory. And How I met your Mother as well!

    New follower via bloglovin :)

    Here is my FF:

  7. I love watching The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, and Supernatural! As for the others, I haven't seen them yet (though I really want to start watching Game of Thrones).

    New follower via GFC!

    Here’s my FF!

  8. LOVE LOVE the vampire diaries.
    Here's my FF I'm a new follower via Goodreads
