Author: Douglas Lindsay
Publisher: Blasted Heath
Publication Date: 2013
Pages: 108
Format: E-Book - EPUB
Genre: Fiction
Source: Bought Copy

In Scotland, four American students are found with their throats slit, and each has been given a chilling haircut. The FBI arrive, but they are too late to prevent another terrible murder, and into this walks Barney Thomson, looking for a short back and sides and a new hair colour. (Goodreads Synopsis)
The Face of Death is a wonderful novella that bridges the gap between the second and third Barney Thomson novels. It was a quick, easy read that made me smile as Barney once again winds up a little too close for comfort to a series of murders in the town he's passing through.
This series continues to enthrall me and I am now pressing on with the next of the novels.
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