Title: The Fine Print of Self-Publishing
Author: Mark Levine
Publisher: Bascom Hill Publishing Group
Publication Date: January 2014
Pages: 272
Format: E-Book - EPUB
Genre: Non-Fiction
Source: ARC via NetGalley
The Fine Print of
Self-Publishing, now in its fifth edition, has been lauded by industry
professionals as the go-to book for authors considering
self-publishing. The Fine Print has helped thousands of authors
understand self-publishing companies’ services, contract terms, printing
markups, and royalty calculations. This latest edition includes new
chapters on e-book publishing and book marketing, as well as updated
head-to-head comparisons of major self-publishing service providers,
including free book-publishing companies to consider and self-publishing
companies to avoid.(Goodreads Synopsis)
The Fine Print of Self-Publishing is a very useful guide for those thinking of self-publishing their works. It does push a little towards engaging with a professional self-publishing company (and paying the associated costs) but that is not surprising given the author's affiliation, and it does mention option for those wishing to go it alone.
The sections on costings and royalties will be particularly useful to those with no background knowledge of such things, and I was pleased to see the emphasis on editing and making your book look as professional as possible prior to release. Some costings for things such as ISBNs etc. will differ in different territories, but overall this book offers some useful information for those planning on making the leap.
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