Title: The Art of Social Media
Author: Guy Kawasaki & Peg Fitzpatrick
Publisher: Portfolio/Penguin
Publication Date: 4 December 2014
Pages: 208
Format: E-Book - EPUB
Genre: Non-Fiction
Source: ARC via NetGalley
more than 100 practical tips, tricks, and insights, Guy and Peg present
a ground-up strategy to produce a focused, thorough, and compelling
presence on the most popular social-media platforms. They guide you
through the steps of building your foundation, amassing your digital
assets, going to market, optimizing your profile, attracting more
followers, and effectively integrating social media and blogging. (Goodreads Synopsis)
The Art of Social Media is an easy read that offers tips and tricks on making social media work from a business perspective. It is aimed at the absolute beginner and so a few of the comments felt obvious to me. That said, I did pick up a few handy hints that I will try to incorporate into my own social media presence - particularly when I have a new book release coming up.
If you are starting out in social media for business promotion, this book will be a good starting point to set you on the right path.
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