Title: From Asgard to Valhalla
Author: Heather O'Donoghue
Publisher: I. B. Tauris
Publication Date: 2007
Pages: 232
Format: Paperback
Genre: Non-Fiction/Folklore & Myth
Source: Xmas Gift
This is the first book
to show how the Norse myths have resonated from era to era: from
Viking-age stories of ice and fire to the epic poetry of Beowulf; and from Wagner's Ring to Marvel Comics' Mighty Thor.
Heather O'Donoghue considers the wider contexts of Norse mythology,
including its origins, medieval expression and reception in
post-medieval societies right up to the present. From Asgard to Valhalla
is a book that will intrigue and delight anyone with an interest in how
the Norse myths have so profoundly shaped the western cultural
heritage. (Goodreads Synopsis)
I found From Asgard to Valhalla to be an interesting read. The author begins with several chapters offering an overview of the myths, before launching into an assessment of their place in popular culture. I didn't always agree with everything the author stated and felt she missed some important and obvious comparisons - particularly in relation to The Lord of the Rings and Marvel's Thor, but even so, this is an entertaining and insightful piece of writing and a worthy addition to the bookshelves of anyone interested in Norse myth and/or the place of myth in modern culture.
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