Title: Victorian and Edwardian Fashion - A Photographic Survey
Author: Alison Gernsheim
Publisher: Dover Publications
Publication Date: 1982 (1963)
Pages: 240
Format: Paperback
Genre: Non-Fiction
Source: Bought Copy
A noted photohistorian
documents bonnets, capes, frock coats, caps, shawls, bodices, and
crinolines as people actually wore them from 1840 through 1914. More
than 200 photos depict aristocrats and the middle class as well as Oscar
Wilde, Lillie Langtry, Winston Churchill, Queen Victoria, and others.
Commentary and annotations describe and identify the costumes. (Goodreads Synopsis)
Victorian and Edwardian Fashion: A Photographic Survey is an excellent title both for the historical researcher and for authors. I am currently writing a story set in 1862 and bought this book to ensure my characters were dressed correctly for the period. For that purpose, it did not disappoint. The text is informative and the images help to illustrate each point. The only thing I might have liked in addition is some sketches of certain details where they are unclear in the photos.
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