Saturday, 14 January 2017

#RainbowSnippets - 14 January 2017 - From 'Secret WIP'

Time for more Rainbow Snippets.

For today's snippet, I thought I'd share a few lines from my current WIP.

I'm still keeping tight-lipped on this story until it's ready to submit, but I am about to start draft three, so I hope submission will happen in April/May.

I can tell you that it is an MM fantasy novel in a contemporary setting.

Kane Teague was everything I wished I could be. He stood at an impressive six foot two, dwarfing my less noble stature. Muscles that in me seemed nonexistent, in him were toned and expertly formed. Whereas my hair flopped into my eyes and hung lank unless carefully tended, his locks shone, always healthy and bouncy, never a strand out of place. Perhaps an impressive team of make-up artists and hairstylists contributed to that. However, I’d always believed that, for the most part, it was a genetic gift, the likes of which neither Nature nor my parents had seen fit to bestow upon me.


  1. Contemporary fantasy. Sounds interesting.

  2. I'd like to see how Kane sees our unnamed narrator - I bet it's not how he sees himself. ;)

  3. Oh dear. We are our own worst critics, aren't we?

  4. Powerfully built up intensity in the comparative description that convey the conflict in a gut punch laced with desire!

  5. Great description. I'm not sure if I like Kane or hate him, though. LOL

  6. Love the contrast between the two even though our narrator seems to feel a bit bad by comparison.

  7. I'm sure we can all relate to that... ;-)

  8. Great description, and lots of character development for our narrator too.
