Saturday, 18 February 2017

Feature and Follow Friday & Book Blogger Hop
Time for Feature and Follow Friday.
Click on the link to head to Alison's blog and view all the other participants.

What was the first book that moved you? Scared you? Made you cry?
Some of Stephen King's early works scared me when I first read them at around 12-14 years old. One of the first books I remember really crying over was Les Miserables by Victor Hugo, which I read when I was about 12 or 13 too. It was obviously an emotional period for me! :)

And here's this week's Book Blogger Hop.
Click on the image to see the original post and all the links.
Can you read and watch TV at the same time?

No, the TV tends to distract me. I prefer to read in silence, to fully immerse myself.


I've decide to join a few more hops too. Not sure if I'll do all four every week or whether I'll swap and change between them, but we'll see how it goes.
At present, I am reading a non-fiction book which I received as an ARC via NetGalley. It is called Kings of Georgian Britain and the author is Catherine Curzon. It will release on 31 March 2017 from Pen and Sword Books, and I expect to put up my review this weekend. Overall, I have found it an enjoyable and interesting read.

Here is the opening sentence: "They weren't Englishmen, these kings of the Georgian era...."

And from page 56:
"The result of these wanderings was that Peter was eventually made to wear a collar so that he could be returned home like a lost animal."


  1. I don't like the horror genre at all, so I stay aeay from Stephen King! As for "Les Miserables", I have been meaning to read it for such a LOOONG I own a beautiful 2-volune edition if it, too. More lol....

    I usually prefer to read in total silence, but there are exceptions to that, as I mentioned in my BBH post.

    "The Kings of Georgian Britain" sounds VERY interesting! I should read it forvmy other blog, MindSpirit Book Journeys. Thanks for the heads up!

    Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting on my BBH post!! Have a great weekend!! <3 :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Maria. Don't fret about the typos; it happens to the best of us.

  2. P.S. AAARGH, typos! Please excuse them! 😦

  3. Seems okay. Enjoy the book! :-)

  4. I have a bad habit of getting so immersed in a book that I block everything out around me, including when people are trying to talk to me or get my attention. So, trying to watch television and read don't work well for me. I almost always will end up forgetting I'm supposed to be watching something too. If the book isn't holding my attention, I'll definitely end up watching more than I read.

    I hope you have a great week! Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thanks for stopping by this week. Lovely to hear your thoughts.

  5. Yes great answers I am the same way I need too be in complete silence to read my books. lol Thank you so much for stopping by my #FFF and blog hop. New follower on Google+ and GFC.
