Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Top 3 Bullet Journal Spreads for Musicians

Continuing my bullet journal blog series, today I consider bullet journal for musicians. (If you wish to view my previous posts, click HERE, or read about bullet journals HERE.)

1) Practice Log/Tracker
For those who play more for fun, a tracker might be thing for you. I include mine in my monthly habit tracker spread (one line per instrument), and it does make me more mindful of finding time to practise. Those more serious musicians may wish to record more, such as the length of the practice sessions, pieces worked on, and any difficulties encountered to work on next time. For this, a separate spread with a table would probably be most appropriate.

2) Music Wishlist
Are there pieces you come across and think you’d like to play in the future? Make a list of them in your bullet journal, capturing title and composer details, and cross them off as you acquire them.

3) Concerts
Any musician loves to hear music as well as playing it themselves, so another useful spread might be to note upcoming performances you’d like to attend. If you use a future log, you could mark these in there, but if there are a large number of them, you might want to have a dedicated spread, with a box for each month, in which you note date and other details. Again, you can mark them off as you buy tickets.

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