Today I welcome Grace R. Duncan to the blog to answer a few questions
for Interview³.
Grace R. Duncan Author Interview³
1) Tell us 3 fun facts about your writing historyI am an unapologetic otaku.
I have a small, but growing collection of geek figures and a ridiculous love for the Suicide Squad’s Harley Quinn.
I’m learning Japanese.
2) Describe your writing in three sentences or less
Brevity is not my strong suit. Seriously, I have a ridiculous tendency to write long stories.
3) Name 3 of your favourite genres
(Combine all three and I am in pure heaven, though that is not common. 😉 )
4) Share your 3 favourite authors
Non-gay romance: Tolkien, Stephen King, J.K. Rowling
Gay Romance: Amy Lane, Elizabeth Noble, and Kari Gregg
5) What are your 3 essential writing comforts?
Coffee, coffee, and coffee. Okay, seriously: coffee, music, and a blanket (I’m always cold).
6) Where are your 3 favourite places to write?
First is actually my desk. I like to write best where everything is familiar. I also like Starbucks (cliché maybe, but true). And if it wasn’t so damned Texas (read: ridiculously hot) outside, I’d write on the porch.
7) Name 3 books you wish you’d written
This is tough because all the books I wish I’d written are on my to-do to write. I want to write pure sci-fi and it’s planned. If anything, I wish I’d written more contemporary but it’s just not something I can get into too well. My one and only attempt ended up over 200k (No Sacrifice).
8) What are your top 3 tips for book marketing?
Do one thing really well.
Find what works and stick with it, be it Twitter, blogging, Facebook, or whatever.
Keep the politics out of your public persona, with exceptions. (I will post politically about equality and LGBT issues and I’ve made exceptions to this policy with regard to the clusterf*ck that this administration has been, but under normal circumstances, I leave it out.)
9) Tell us 3 of your writing plans for the year ahead
I have a fourth book in my Forbes Mates series coming out next spring and I’m currently in the process of assembling a charity anthology for The Trevor Project and a couple of other charities, with a dystopian story of my own in it. After this, I have a shifter/mpreg/bdsm story about half done then the aforementioned sci-fi on the list after.
10) Tell us about your latest release
Three Hearts started out with me not thinking I was ever going to publish it. I wanted to write mpreg for fun because I’d read so much and wanted to do something that worked in the way I thought it should, rather than how everyone else did it. (Isn’t that where half our stores come from? *laughs*) Then I got encouraged to publish it and I’ve gotten amazing feedback I never expected.

Three Hearts
Grace R. Duncan
March 3, 2017
72k words
Cover artist: Jess Small
Find out More HERE
Liam Scott is sick. That’s not supposed to be possible. As a wolf shifter, he’s supposed to be able to heal. The omega gene he was born with means he’s capable of carrying shifter young and Liam is worried that whatever is wrong will mean his one-day hope of having pups will be dashed. But despite the fears keeping him away from the doctor until now, he knows he needs to go.
It turns out the sickness is temporary, but the treatment causes a whole other problem.
Mason’s alpha gene means he’s one of very few wolves who can impregnate an omega male. For two years, he’d been watching Liam, but things kept getting in the way. When Liam shows up in heat, Mason recognizes the opportunity he needs and doesn’t hesitate make to Liam his mate and the father of his pups.
But Liam has old wounds and fears to work through which the pregnancy is only making worse, and Mason isn’t sure how to get past them to show he’s serious about making a life together as loving mates. It’s not until a female wolf decides Mason should be hers that Liam makes his biggest worry known—and Mason can finally put the fears to rest.
About the Author

A gypsy in her own right, Grace has lived all over the United States. She has currently set up camp in East Texas with her husband and children – both the human and furry kind.
As one of those rare creatures who loves research, Grace can get lost for hours on the internet, reading up on any number of strange and different topics. She can also be found writing fanfiction, reading fantasy, crime, suspense, romance and other erotica or even dabbling in art.
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