Thursday, 25 January 2018

How I Write: 3 Steps to Being an Organised Blogger

I’ve been blogging for a number of years now, and today I thought I’d share my three top tips for getting organised with your blog posts.

1) Plan Ahead
The further ahead you can plan, the better. For example, I am penning these 2018 posts in February 2017. Once they’re all scheduled, I won’t have to worry about preparing any more until at least this time next year, maybe a little longer. Of course, not all posts can be ready so far in advance, but if you can pre-plan a few, you’ll know that you have content going up even if you have hectic periods when you don’t have time to blog anything else.

2) Use a Calendar or Tracker
This is essential if you sign up for blog tours or offer to host guests, or if you need to post reviews on certain days. If you are someone prone to forgetfulness, use an online calendar that sends email reminders prior to the posting date. If you’re a bullet journal junkie, like me, set up a tracker there.

3) Back Up Your Posts
Blog sites can have glitches from time to time, occasionally losing your scheduled posts. Therefore, I recommend keeping a copy of everything you schedule. Either save the basic text in a Word file, or save the HTML once you’ve created the post as I do. With the latter, if there are any difficulties, you need only copy and paste the HTML back in and you’re ready to go.

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