Title: Amazing Origami Boxes
Author: Tomoko Fuse
Publisher: Dover Publications
Publication Date: 21 March 2018
Pages: 128
Format: eBook - EPUB
Genre: Non-Fiction / Art
Source: ARC via NetGalley
Simple but unique, an origami box represents the thoughts and feelings of its maker. Between the pleasure of paperfolding and the satisfaction of having a handmade item to use (or give!), the box forms a positive association for the maker (and between the giver and recipient). In this guide, origami master Tomoko Fuse presents 20 original designs for origami boxes — some simple, others more complex, all made from a single sheet of paper.
Beautiful, full-color photographs accompany step-by-step instructions and diagrams for a splendid variety of completely functional boxes. They range from conventional square and rectangular shapes to those in the form of a bird, a basket, a cat's head, a flower, and other shapes. By varying the type of paper and color combinations, folders can create an endless variety of effects. Suitable for origami enthusiasts of all skill levels, this guide promises hours of creative joy. (Goodreads Synopsis)
Amazing Origami Boxes is a lovely book for anyone keen on crafting their own paper boxes. The text offers a wide variety of styles to suit any occasion. I am not an origami expert, and looking through the instructions, at times I got a little lost. However, that could simply be my inexperience. Those more used to following such directions would probably have less trouble. On the whole, if you are a beginner, I would think a little trial and error on plain paper would be needed first, until you get the hang of it. In any case, this is a well-presented volume sure to please crafting enthusiasts.
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