Thursday, 29 March 2018

How I Write: 3 Tips on Managing Social Media for Writers

As a writer, it’s important to be on social media, so here are three tips on managing those accounts. I have ten social media accounts—more if you include Author Profiles on Amazon and on my publishers’ websites—and over the last few years, I’ve adopted several systems to keep me on top of things.

1) Schedule Posts
Getting Hootsuite in 2017 was a huge help to me. I only have a free account with three social media profiles, but it makes life so much easier when I can schedule posts to those three places in advance, in one go. It saves me time and allows me to post updates at times when I wouldn’t normally be online, such as overnight.

2) Tracking
I use a tracker in my bullet journal to record which days I post to which social media. This allows me to see how regularly I’m posting and if I’m doing more on one account than the others. If you don’t use a bullet journal, you could create something similar in a spreadsheet.

3) Deep Days
I don’t have time to go in-depth into all my social media accounts every day, so I briefly check messages and alerts each morning but then have assigned days when I devote a little more time to each platform. E.g. I focus on Pinterest on Mondays and Twitter on Tuesdays. This allows me to keep on top of everything without it overwhelming me and stopping me from getting other work done.

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