Author: Sara Holland
Publisher: Orchard Books
Publication Date: January 2018
Pages: 368
Format: Paperback
Genre: YA Fantasy
Source: Gift

In the land of Sempera, the rich control everything - even time. Ever since the age of alchemy and sorcery, hours, days and years have been extracted from blood and bound to iron coins. The rich live for centuries; the poor bleed themselves dry.
Jules and her father are behind on their rent and low on hours. To stop him from draining himself to clear their debts, Jules takes a job at Everless, the grand estate of the cruel Gerling family.
There, Jules encounters danger and temptation in the guise of the Gerling heir, Roan, who is soon to be married. But the web of secrets at Everless stretches beyond her desire, and the truths Jules must uncover will change her life for ever ... and possibly the future of time itself.
I found Everless to be an entertaining read. I enjoyed Holland's world building, with the gradual addition of information as the story progressed. Meanwhile, Jules was a delightful heroine, as spunky as you'd expected from a YA fantasy. I saw many of the twists coming, but not all, so it was nice to be taken by surprise a couple of times towards the end. I finished reading over two nights, as it was hard to put this book down, and the ending left me keen for book two, to see what will happen next. All up, a pleasing addition to the YA fantasy canon, and one sure to please fans of the genre, meeting all their expectations while also offering something new. 4.5 stars
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