Author: George R. R. Martin
Publisher: Bantam
Publication Date: 2012 (1982)
Pages: 461
Format: Paperback
Genre: Paranormal/Historical/Gothic
Source: Bought Copy

Abner Marsh, a struggling riverboat captain, suspects that something’s amiss when he is approached by a wealthy aristocrat with a lucrative offer. The hauntingly pale, steely-eyed Joshua York doesn’t care that the icy winter of 1857 has wiped out all but one of Marsh’s dilapidated fleet; nor does he care that he won’t earn back his investment in a decade. York’s reasons for traversing the powerful Mississippi are to be none of Marsh’s concern—no matter how bizarre, arbitrary, or capricious York’s actions may prove. Not until the maiden voyage of Fevre Dream does Marsh realize that he has joined a mission both more sinister, and perhaps more noble, than his most fantastic nightmare—and humankind’s most impossible dream.
Fevre Dream, with its Southern Gothic twist, was a captivating read from start to finish. I loved Martin's take on vampires, and the historical, riverboat setting allowed for some intensely atmospheric scenes. The pacing worked well, maintaining tension through each slow reveal and each dramatic set piece. Meanwhile, both Marsh and York were engaging and interesting characters who developed and changed throughout the story as events overtook their initial intentions and dreams. Fevre Dream is certainly the most captivating new-to-me vampire tale I have read in a while. I almost regretted it was only a standalone work; although, it is nice to have a solid conclusion to the story as you close the book. I recommend this book for vampire and Southern Gothic fans looking for a vampire story that offers excitement, danger, and a thought-provoking message at its core.
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