Today I welcome Brenda Murphy to the blog to answer a few questions
for Author Interview³.

1) Tell us 3 fun facts about your writing history
2. My first short story was published in an anthology titled “First”
3. I often sing along with my playlist while writing (and no I don’t type what I’m singing.)
2) Describe your writing style in 3 words
Direct. Sensual. Poignant.
3) Name 3 of your literary influences
Virginia Wolfe
Jacqueline Carey
Anais Nin
4) Share your 3 favorite books
A Room of One’s Own- Virginia Wolfe
Delta of Venus- Anais Nin
Kushiel’s Dart - Jacqueline Carey
5) What are your 3 essential writing tools?
Music, 3 X5 cards, and my MacAir
6) Where are your 3 favorite places to write?
My local tea shop Templeton’s
My office
University cafeterias while traveling
7) Name 3 items on your writing wish list
I love to write a detective series. I want to write a non-fiction book for creatives with ADHD with tips and techniques to help. And I would like to write a steamy paranormal shifter romance.
8) What are your top 3 tips for aspiring writers?
1. Don’t quit.
2. Write what you can when you can. Even 50 words a day adds up.
3. Don’t be a prima donna, learn to write anywhere any time. Act like a journalist on deadline trying to make the morning paper.
9) Tell us 3 of your writing plans for the year ahead
1. I’m finishing the fourth book in the Rowan House series.
2. I’m working on a sequel to my book ONE.
3. I’m noodling a stand-alone set in Oslo, Norway.
10) Tell us about your latest release
Knotted Legacy is an erotic romance set on the Isle of Skye. The book explores the theme of a current lover who was dying wanted to choose their lover’s next lover. It is the third book in the Rowan House series. It takes place after the events in Both Ends of the Whip.
Knotted Legacy
Brenda Murphy
NineStar Press
10 September 2018
Heat Rating: 4
Amazon / NineStar Press
Martha McLeod, Head Mistress of Rowan House, Skye's most exclusive pleasure house, is heartbroken. Frustrated and lonely after a bitter split with her lover, she departs Rowan House for Lake Como, Italy to seek solace at the feet of Madam Givernay, keeper of Martha's deepest secret. Lake Como and Madam’s attention is the perfect balm for Martha’s broken heart until she meets Mistress Lucia Coruso. Captivated by Lucia’s regal elegance and cool demeanor, Martha is torn between her desire for Lucia and her fear that secret will be revealed When an extortionist threatens to destroy Rowan House, Martha and Lucia must join forces to save Rowan House.
About the Author
Brenda Murphy writes short fiction and novels. She loves tattoos and sideshows and yes, those are her monkeys. When she is not loitering at her local tea shop and writing, she wrangles two kids, one dog, and an unrepentant parrot. She reviews books, blogs about life as a writer with ADHD and publishes photographs on her blog Writing While Distracted.
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