Title: Escaping Mortality (Escape #3)
Author: Sara Dobie Bauer
Publisher: NineStar Press
Publication Date: 28 January 2019
Pages: 109
Format: eBook - EPUB
Source: Review Copy from Author
Their ocean journey was
successful, and Andrew and Edmund found an Elder just in time. As they
wished, Edmund is now a vampire like Andrew. They have eternity
together, but first, they must visit Edmund's ailing mother in the
English countryside with their flock of immortals, including the Elder,
who has taken an ominous liking to his new creation.
When they
arrive at Edmund's family estate, his sick mother and her loathsome best
friend await them. While ducking religious curses, Edmund struggles to
harness an unexpected power gifted him by the Elder. Andrew fears for
his beloved as Edmund becomes more and more monstrous—but vampires have
always been monsters, haven't they?
A battle is coming, for
Edmund's heart and his soul, and Andrew will lose neither. He escaped
island exile and a near tragedy at sea to be with Edmund, the beautiful
young sailor he loves. Andrew will do anything to keep Edmund by his
side, but his most dangerous adversary may be Edmund himself.
When Sara Dobie Bauer approached me to review the final book in the Escape Trilogy, I was keen to see how the series would conclude. Escape Mortality was a fun little read that I got through in a single sitting. It picked up right from the events that ended book two, and it was great to see Edmund's journey continue as he adjusted to his new vampiric nature, and the jealousy that sprang up between Andrew and the Elder. All in all, it was a satisfying conclusion to the tale, with a good blend or action and steamy romance; however, taken individually, I think book two remains my favourite of the three. If you are looking for an engaging, quick LGBT PNR read, then I recommend the Escape Trilogy. 4.5 stars
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