Today I welcome Elle E. Ire to the blog to answer a few questions
for Author Interview³.

1) Tell us 3 fun facts about your writing history
1. I first began writing because I was a very medically fragile adolescent. I spent a lot of time in and out of hospitals, I couldn’t go out to recess, and I couldn’t take gym class. So, I wrote as a way to pass the time and was writing lengthy stories/fan fiction/etc. from an early age.
2. The protagonist of the book coming out this week has been with me a very long time. I began writing her story in college. The first book I wrote that got me agent representation featured this character, but it never sold. So I rewrote it from the ground up, and here we are.
3. I was originally a voice major in college. I wanted to be a pop star. When I found myself writing stories in all of my music classes, I switched to creative writing. After submitting my first short story, my teacher told me I should go back to music school. I’m very glad I didn’t listen to her, and by the second story submission, she said I should stay.
2) Describe your writing style in 3 words
1. Fast-paced
2. Heart-wrenching
3. Intense
3) Name 3 of your literary influences
1. Anne McCaffrey
2. Linnea Sinclair
3. J. A. Pitts
4) Share your 3 favourite books
1. Crystal Singer
2. Black Blade Blues
3. Trading in Danger
5) What are your 3 essential writing tools?
1. I’m not especially tech savvy, so I write in Word.
2. A quiet space with no music, especially music that has lyrics because I’ll start singing instead of writing.
3. My amazing spouse (also a writer) who is the best beta reader and constructive critic.
6) Where are your 3 favourite places to write?
1. On the couch with my dogs
2. Pool or oceanside
3. Disney hotel bars
7) Name 3 items on your writing wish list
1. I’d love to be a guest at an overseas writing conference
2. I’d love to sit on panels with some of the authors whom I admire most
3. I’d love to win or at least be nominated for a Lambda Literary Award
8) What are your top 3 tips for aspiring writers?
1. If it doesn’t sell, don’t waste time trying to polish your first manuscript over and over for years and years. Write something new.
2. Get feedback on your work from people who have the skill-set to critique you well.
3. Read constantly in your genre, and read work that’s coming out now.
9) Tell us 3 of your writing plans for the year ahead
Well, I’m contracted for three books in the Storm Fronts series from Dreamspinner Publications, so first, I want to finish revising/editing book two in that series which is Patchwork. Second, I need to write book three—Woven. Last, I’m hoping for my agent to sell an urban fantasy series of mine called The Dead Things.
10) Tell us about your latest release
Threadbare is the first book in the Storm Fronts series which will consist of at least three books all coming out within the next year and a half. It is science fiction/lesbian/bisexual romance featuring Vick Corren, an injured mercenary soldier who has lost her ability to process her emotions, and Kelly LaSalle, the empath assigned to keep her sane. Lots of action, lots of suspense, and some very thought-provoking moments addressing the question of what makes someone truly human.
Storm Fronts #1
Elle E. Ire
Dreamspinner Publications
20 August 2019
93k words
Science fiction/Romance
Heat Level: Hot (some explicit sex scenes)
DSP Publications / Amazon / B&N
All cybernetic soldier Vick Corren wanted was to be human again. Now all she wants is Kelly. But machines can’t love. Can they?
With the computerized implants that replaced most of her brain, Vick Corren views herself as more machine than human. She’s lost her memory, but worse, can no longer control her emotions, though with the help of empath, Kelly LaSalle, she’s holding the threads of her fraying sanity together.
Vick is smarter, faster, impervious to pain… the best mercenary in the Fighting Storm, until odd flashbacks show Vick a life she can't remember and a romantic relationship with Kelly that Vick never knew existed. But investigating that must wait until Vick and her team rescue the Storm’s kidnapped leader.
Someone from within the organization is working against them, threatening Kelly’s freedom. To save her, Vick will have to sacrifice what she values most: the last of her humanity. Before the mission is over, either Vick or Kelly will forfeit the life she once knew.
About the Author
Elle Ire writes science fiction/lesbian romance novels. Torquere Press published her first novel, Vicious Circle, in 2015. Her second novel, Threadbare, is due for release from Dreamspinner Publications in the summer of 2019. Naomi Davis at Bookends Literary Agency represents her work.
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