Today I welcome A. L. Lester to the blog to answer a few questions
for Author Interview³.

1) Tell us 3 fun facts about your writing history
1. I started writing at the age of about eight, when my Year Two teacher pointed out that upping my wordcount with forty repetitions of the word ‘long’ was not acceptable.
2. I sent the manuscript of Lost In Time to JMS Books completely speculatively and had an anxiety attack when it was accepted by return.
3. My then eight-year old once deleted thirty thousand words of a work in progress by accidentally reformatting my hard drive. I’ve used Dropbox religiously since then.
2) Describe your writing style in 3 words
Chaotic discovery writing
3) Name 3 of your literary influences
Dorothy Dunnett, Mary Stewart, Ursula Le Guin
4) Share your 3 favourite books
Checkmake by Dorothy Dunnett
A Natural History Of Selbourne by Gilbert White
The Left Hand Of Darkness by Ursula Le Guin
5) What are your 3 essential writing tools?
Laptop with touchy screen, beverage, dachshund
6) Where are your 3 favourite places to write?
At my dining table, at the café in the next village and my absolute favourite is my garden on a warm day.
7) Name 3 items on your writing wish list
My wishlist is pretty much all centred around my Lost In Time universe at the moment. I want to expand the series so the set of novels makes an interlinked web, through history. I’ve got another three books in my head and I think there are going to be more. I don’t have a lot of time to write, so I’m just focusing on this.
8) What are your top 3 tips for aspiring writers?
Keep writing. Just… keep writing. You’re a writer, even if you’re not published. And make connections with your peers, in real life, or on social media. It can be a lonely world and having that support makes all the difference.
9) Tell us 3 of your writing plans for the year ahead
I want to finish my two works in progress. The Flowers Of Time is an f/enby paranormal romance set in the 1780s Himalayas. And Inheritance Of Shadows is a serialized WIP that I am releasing monthly for newsletter subscribers, that I’m going to release as a novel when it’s done.
10) Tell us about your latest release
Shadows on the Border is the sequel to Lost in Time. It features grumpy detectives, irritated newspaper photographers, time-travel, monsters, magic and gay romance in 1920s London. There’s rain. And lots of tea. Plus snogging.
Shadows on the Border
A. L. Lester
March 2019
MM Romance, PNR, Historical Romance
Heat Level: Middling
Books To Read
Shadows on the Border is the sequel to Lost in Time
Newspaper reporter Lew Tyler and his lover, Detective Alec Carter, are working out the parameters of their new relationship. Meanwhile, time traveler Lew is trying to decide whether he wants to stay in the 1920s or find a way to get back to 2016, and Alec doesn’t know if he can bear the vulnerability of being in love with someone who uses such dangerous magic.
Fenn is a Hunter from the Outlands, come through the Border to search for the murderous Creature and its offspring at the behest of the Ternants, who maintain the balance between Fenn’s world and ours. Fenn strikes a bond with Sergeant Will Grant, Alec’s second in command, who is keen to learn more about his own magical abilities. As time goes on, Will grows keen to learn more about Fenn, as well.
Fenn has their own painful secret, and when they appear to have betrayed the team and goes missing in London, Will is devastated. He has to choose between following his heart or following his duty.
Moving through the contrasting rich and poor areas of post-First World War London from West End hotels to the London docklands, the men need to work together to capture the Creature ... and choose who – and what -- is important enough to hold on to and what they may need to give up to make that happen.
About the Author
A.L. Lester likes to read. Her favorite books are post-apocalyptic dystopian romances full of suspense, but a cornflake packet will do there's nothing else available. The gender of the characters she likes to read (and write) is pretty irrelevant so long as they are strong, interesting people on a journey of some kind.
She has a chaotic family life and small children, and has become the person in the village who looks after random animals people find in the road. She is interested in permaculture gardening and anything to do with books, reading, technology, and history. She lives in a small village in rural Somerset and is seriously allergic to both rabbits and Minecraft.
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