Author: Evangeline Neo
Publisher: Tuttle
Publication Date: 1 April 2019
Pages: 128
Format: Paperback
Genre: Travel/Non-Fiction
Source: Borrowed from the Library

In A Manga Lover’s Tokyo Travel Guide: My Favorite Things To See And Do In Japan, Singapore-born comic book author and artist Evangeline Neo travels to the Japanese capital with her mascots Kopi the dog and Matcha the cat. Besides bringing you to all the otaku sights the city has to offer, Eva will also show you all the must-see sites in Tokyo.
This travel guide is depicted in Eva’s charming and humorous drawings as well as stories, which will not only be enjoyable to armchair travellers but also be practically useful for visitors to the city.
A Manga Lover's Tokyo Travel Guide was a cute read; however, it was not quite what I expected. Given the title and blurb, I had anticipated a strong focus on otaku hot spots. Some of these were mentioned, but it didn't feel like the driving force of the book, which also included shrine etiquette, tips for visiting the lakes and Mount Fuji etc. While this information was interesting and useful, it really had nothing to do with being a manga fan. Therefore I am giving this book three and a half stars. It was a nicely presented work with some good information, but I felt its contents were somewhat misrepresented. If you are looking for a book whose sole focus is tips for the otaku visitor, it would be better to check out Tuttle's other title, Tokyo Geek's Guide.
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