Title: Practical Korean
Author: Samuel E. Martin
Publisher: Tuttle
Publication Date: 2017
Pages: 224
Format: Paperback
Genre: Non-Fiction/Languages
Source: Bought Copy
This concise Korean language book is organized into 46 easy lessons that help you grasp everything from names and greetings to casual remarks. It is designed for English speakers travelling to Korea, although it can be used by anyone wishing to learn Korean and acquire a basic working knowledge of conversational Korean in a short period of time.
It teaches you essential Korean vocabulary and practical sentences—providing the necessary basics to get you conversing and communicating in Korean right away!
Although it relies over-heavily on romanisation at times, Practical Korean is a useful guide for those starting out learning Korean as, unlike other books that base their chapters on scenarios and dialogues, it sets out the basics of grammar and sentence structure in easy to follow, bite-size pieces and it is quick and simple to refer back to different sections when you are writing in Korean and need to check something. The included recordings are also helpful for pronunciation purposes.
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