Wednesday 2 October 2024

Book Review: The Viscount and the Thief by Emma Orchard (Historical Romance)

The Viscount and the Thief
Emma Orchard
Boldwood Books
11 November 2024
eBook - EPUB
Historical Romance
ARC via NetGalley

Sophie Delavallois is the new companion to the ageing Dowager Marchioness, but she also has another reason for coming to the infamous Wyverne mansion, one that will shake the family to their core.

Lord Drake left his childhood home many years ago, and only returns now to see his beloved grandmother. He takes little interest in the goings on of the house, until the arrival of Mademoiselle Delavallois. There’s something about her that he can’t put his finger on; it's as if he’s seen her before, but surely, that is not possible…

Sophie is also drawn to Drake, but he is a Wyverne, and she cannot allow herself to fall for him, because her intentions towards the family are resolute – revenge. But inside the walls of Wyverne Hall, she discovers the rumours about the family barely scratch the surface, and she can’t escape the dangerous allure of the Viscount.

Once her plans are set in motion, will he be her saviour or her ruin?


The plot of The Viscount and the Thief was certainly fun, and the story moved along at a reasonable pace throughout. The sex scenes did slow things now and then, and while I didn't find them gratuitous or without merit, I did wish a couple could have been a bit shorter in order to get on with the rest of the story. Sophie and Rafe's relationship on the whole worked well. Perhaps a dash of instalove, but mostly I found their interactions believable. The ending was maybe a tad rushed after the long build up, but that is only a minor gripe. Overall, this was a quick, pleasing read that is sure to appeal to readers of Regency romance at the bodice-ripper end of the spectrum. I am giving it 4 stars.

I received this book as a free eBook ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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