Today I am answering the 'this or that'-style questions for the What Kind of Reader Are You? book tag.
I was unable to find the creator of this tag, but if you know who it was, please let me know in a comment so I can credit them. I am not going to tag anyone in particular, but feel free to complete the tag too if you think it sounds fun.
For some of these my answer was clear cut, but I was a little on the fence with some as I could have answered either way depending on my mood at the time.
I do always read in the evening, rather than the morning. I like e-Books but never listen to audio books. I read both fiction and non-fiction, though the former is my preference if forced to choose. I prefer paperback solely because they are easier to hold when I read in bed. I like both new releases and old releases, but new ones are more exciting. I definitely love an emotional read over a happy one. I adore the classics. I can't read if there is too much noise, so I have to choose silence. I'd choose a bookmark over turning down the corner of the pages every time. When it comes to mood reading versus TBR, however, while I have chosen the latter, it can be a bit of a combination of both, as I will mood read from within my TBR pile as long as none are time-sensitive for reviews.
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