Sunday, 9 March 2025

TV Review: The Eminence in Shadow (S1 & 2) (Anime)

The Eminence in Shadow S1 & 2 (陰の実力者になりたくて!)
32 episodes

After getting killed, an unassuming young man is reincarnated into a magical world and inadvertently becomes the leader of a shadowy organization.

The Eminence in Shadow was a fun-filled ride of an anime. It's a standard isekai story of a teenage boy dying in our world and being transported to a fantasy realm. However, rather than becoming a hero, his dream is to become 'the Eminence in Shadow': a morally grey character who hunts the bad guys but does so from the shadows, and often with his own agenda (and to look cool). Along the way, he helps some young women who become his followers, and before he knows it, they have recruited more and he is the head of a huge organisation. It's amusing that all his followers are busty women yet he's essentially oblivious to their attempts to win his attention. The series' animation was good, I enjoyed the plot and, in particular, I liked the humorous tones behind the action. This is not a show you need to take too seriously; it is just trashy fun. I am giving it 4.5 stars. Recommended if you like humorous fantasy and don't mind some over-the-top boob shots now and then.

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